Sunday, January 11, 2009


Number One: Get fit
This new year resolution is probably almost on every man or woman's list. Weather it's first or last but this task is easier said then done and especially mine since I want to lose around 3 kgs by march before malaysia week so that I would have more fun since then it would be easier for me to swim longer because if i'm fit i would have more stamina.
Number Two: Get better grades
Unlike the first new year resolution this will be a lot easier because I still have the rest of this trimester and the next one to improve.
Number Three: Try to be more understanding to my brother and my sister
The hardest so far... do I need to tell you why? or can you guess why?
Number Four: Be more organized
I need to keep all my things in order so that I will not lose my stuff that may be of some importance in my classes.
Number Five: Help people.
Well since I AM a peer helper it is my duty to try to help more people in and out of school.

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