Monday, November 10, 2008


Hundreds of animals are kept in cages and are being treated like trash every day, so help us stop the cruelty. The SPCA get 600 animals a month but only 25% get adopted the other 75% is put to sleep. The SPCA is doing a great job of protecting our animals but they couldn't do it themselves we helped with our donations, voluntary work and enthusiasm to protect these animals but that won't matter unless YOU start helping us save these animals. How can You help? 
  • Bring in newspaper!
  • Tell people to adopt some of them and adopt one yourself if you can.
  • Report any animal abuse you see.
  • Neuter your pets so they don't get out of hand.
It's not hard but no one does it so that's why we need to work harder for these Innocent animals.

1 comment:

schoolboy007 said...

Nice job Riz,

you did a good job of explaining how much animals get killed and how many animals become homed and helped.

Sounds good keep it up.

Thomas Cuthbert